Customs services in
Rudná U Prahy


K Vypichu 1086
252 19Rudná u Prahy
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More about our customs services in Rudná U Prahy:

The building is located in the logistics zone at the exit from the D5 highway in front of the Prague Ring Road. Not only the customs declaration department, which ensures central processing of Intrastat, but also the company headquarters, sales and financial departments are concentrated here. From Rudná, we also handle shipments of contractual customers located at approved locations in the regions of Středočeský, Karlovy Vary, Ústecký and Liberec. We offer a wide range of services, including import, export and transit customs declarations, customs consulting as well as services related to complete processing of intrastat reports and services related to VAT.

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Leading neutral provider of customs services in Europe
Locally rooted - globally connected in more than 200 countries
More than 140 years of experience in customs services
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