
Gerlach has the right solution for your import of goods

We accompany you through the complete process of import customs clearance and ensure a smooth import of goods.

Whenever goods from a non-EU country (third country) are to be imported into an EU member state / Switzerland, they must be declared to the relevant customs authority. In order to avoid making mistakes during the customs declaration, you should always have a competent expert at your side to support you throughout the entire customs procedure. You should therefore rely on Gerlach – your customs specialist – when importing.


Handle imports now

Your advantages when importing with Gerlach:

We take over the customs declarations for the import handling in the simplified and in the normal procedure.
We support you in physical customs inspections and document processing.
We provide deferment accounts for smooth payment of import duties.
We support you with enquiries and notifications from the customs authorities.
We provide guarantees and archive all relevant documents.
Handle imports now

All Customs Services

Import Rely on our specialists

The customs clearance process for importing goods consists of many small steps. Our experts accompany you from the customs declaration to the customs receipt. The customs declaration must be submitted in electronic form to the responsible customs authority. The customs authority then first checks the declaration and the accompanying documents and inspects the goods on a random base.

Before the goods are released for free circulation (so-called surrender), the approval requirements, certificates of origin and all relevant documents of the shipments are checked. In addition, a tax assessment notice is issued. Once the importer has paid all the applicable duties that are due, the declared goods are released for free circulation within the EU.

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Leading neutral provider of customs services in Europe
Locally rooted - globally connected in more than 200 countries
More than 140 years of experience in customs services

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