Customs services in


Boplatsgatan 4
213 76Malmö
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More about our customs services in Malmö:

Step into the professional realm of Gerlach Customs, situated in the bustling commercial heart of Malmö, where our customer-centric office buzzes with the expertise of 30 dedicated customs specialists and agents, complemented by the strategic insights of 2 experienced customs consultants. Engage with a team that boasts a collective experience of over 300 years, ready to navigate you through the complexities of customs clearance with unwavering precision. With Gerlach SE, you're not just clearing customs, you're embracing simplicity and efficiency in every transaction. Our catalog of services, meticulously crafted to meet your B2B needs, includes everything from import and export to transit handling, AEO application, and Intrastat reporting. Benefit from tailored solutions such as fiscal representation, a comprehensive Clearance Package for Norway, and the innovative Control Tower system. Plus, take advantage of our cutting-edge Digital Customs Platform, all designed to streamline and secure your customs processes. Gerlach Customs is your trusted partner, here to ensure that your business crosses borders smoothly and successfully.

Get in Contact with us!

Leading neutral provider of customs services in Europe
Locally rooted - globally connected in more than 200 countries
More than 140 years of experience in customs services
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