Customs services in


Neue Grenzzollanlage Haus C
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More about our customs services in Kreuzlingen:

Welcome to Gerlach Customs – your reliable partner for seamless border transactions located in Kreuzlingen. Our workspace fosters a dynamic and efficient environment, designed to facilitate premier customs consultancy services at the bustling DE/CH border. With streamlined office aesthetics that echo our commitment to precision and professionalism, every client is assured of accurate, timely support tailored to their specific needs. Specializing in import, export, and transit guidance between Switzerland and Germany, Gerlach Customs delivers a comprehensive suite of services to navigate complex customs processes. Our dedicated team offers expert advice and solutions to optimize your supply chain, minimize delays, and ensure compliance with international trade regulations. By entrusting us with your customs needs, you can focus on expanding your business confidently, knowing that all logistical nuances are effectively managed by the foremost authorities in the field. Partner with Gerlach Customs for a proactive approach to customs clearance and trade facilitation.

Get in Contact with us!

Leading neutral provider of customs services in Europe
Locally rooted - globally connected in more than 200 countries
More than 140 years of experience in customs services
Copyright ©2024 Gerlach Customs