Customs services in
Ostrava – Paskov


K Překladišti 948
739 21Paskov
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Opening Times


Phone Number

+420 604 226 849
+420 725 237 175

More about our customs services in Ostrava – Paskov:

Welcome to Gerlach Customs, your premier customs consultancy in Ostrava-Paskov, strategically situated within the bustling logistics zone. Our office, colocated with the customs office and container depot, ensures expedient and streamlined processing for all your customs needs. We pride ourselves on accessibility, boasting ample parking for both personal vehicles and trucks alike. Immerse yourself in our professional environment, designed to facilitate efficient service delivery for our clients. From our base in Paskov, we adeptly manage consignments for contractual customers across the far-reaching Moravian-Silesian region, from approved locations. With Gerlach Customs, you gain a partner that offers comprehensive customs services, catered to the intricate demands of modern commerce. Our dedicated team ensures that your customs clearance and consultancy requirements are handled with the utmost precision and care. Trust us to navigate the complexities of customs regulations, providing you with peace of mind and allowing you to focus on the growth and success of your business. Discover the seamless integration of superior service and strategic location that only Gerlach Customs can provide.

Get in Contact with us!

Leading neutral provider of customs services in Europe
Locally rooted - globally connected in more than 200 countries
More than 140 years of experience in customs services
Copyright ©2024 Gerlach Customs