Customs services in


PodnikatelskĂĄ 1204/43a
301 00Plzeƈ
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Opening Times


Phone Number

+420 604 210 418
+420 725 237 156
+420 731 125 599
+420 737 212 388
+420 725 237 048
+420 702 237 856

More about our customs services in Plzeƈ:

At Gerlach Customs in Plzen, discover a highly accessible and professional business environment strategically situated in the bustling logistics zone right off the D5 highway. Our office, tailored for efficiency and convenience, prominently features ample reserved parking spaces to accommodate the needs of trucks, ensuring smooth and streamlined operations for our clients. We take pride in managing an array of specialized customs services, extending our expert handling to contracted customer shipments both from the expansive container transshipment yard in NĂœĆ™any and across approved sites within the Pilsen region. Businesses seeking a reliable partner for comprehensive customs solutions will find Gerlach Customs an indispensable ally in facilitating their international trade with precision and exemplary care.

Get in Contact with us!

Leading neutral provider of customs services in Europe
Locally rooted - globally connected in more than 200 countries
More than 140 years of experience in customs services
Copyright ©2024 Gerlach Customs