Zimbabwe - Gerlach Customs https://gerlach-customs.com Customs. Simply Cleared. Fri, 16 Dec 2022 08:40:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://gerlach-customs.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Icon_gerlach_250px-1-70x70-1.png Zimbabwe - Gerlach Customs https://gerlach-customs.com 32 32 Zimbabwe: New Regulations for EU Exports https://gerlach-customs.com/news/news-and-trends/zimbabwe-new-regulations-for-eu-exports/ Thu, 07 Oct 2021 10:26:58 +0000 https://gerlach-customs.com/news/zimbabwe-new-regulations-for-eu-exports/ The Communication published by the EU Commission (see Official Journal) deals with the application by Zimbabwe of Article 18 (3) of Protocol No. 1 on rules of origin to the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the ESA States and on the use of self-certification for imports into the EU of goods originating in Zimbabwe under the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the ESA States.

Accordingly, Zimbabwe has been using the Registered Exporter (REX) system for documentation of origin for preferential exports from Zimbabwe since 1 July 2021. Preferential certificates are issued exclusively by the exporter within the framework of self-certification. A transitional arrangement granted by the EU Commission ended on 26 September 2021, meaning that the following TARIC document codes must now be declared in the atlas when applying for preferential tariff treatment:

TARIC Document coding:Short description:
„N864“Invoice declaration or an exporter’s declaration of origin on the invoice or other commercial document.
in combination with
„C100“Number of the registered exporter
„U162“Invoice declaration or invoice declaration of origin made out by an exporter or other commercial document, neither under GSP nor EUR-MED, for a total value of originating products not exceeding EUR 6000.

The previously admissible proofs of preference – movement certificate EUR.1 (TARIC document code N954) and invoice declaration issued by an approved exporter – may no longer be recognised for preferential tariff treatment as of 27 September 2021.
